

LifeGroup is our Small Group Ministry at Fairlane!

In our LifeGroups, we experience Christ-centered communities in a small group setting. These groups typically meet from September - May on Sunday nights at various locations including the church building and member homes. In these small groups, we discuss that morning's sermon using published guides by our Preaching Minister. This allows groups to dig into the sermon and it's text, discuss it, and make practical applications in their own lives. Our prayer is that our LifeGroups will be full of the relationships that Jesus had in mind when He prayed that His followers would be one. A LifeGroup is not a meeting, it's a small group of people who are walking through life with each other, encouraging each other, and loving each other along the journey.

We currently offer 7 different adult or family LifeGroups, along with a Teen LifeGroup led by our Youth Minister. Members and Visitors are welcome to connect with the LifeGroup that best suits them, by location or by selecting a group with whom you have the most in common.

Please feel free to contact the Church Office for assitance in identifying the group that is ideal for you and your family!